SRTP-RTP and SRTP-SRTP Transcoding

The Device supports transcoding between SRTP and RTP. The Device can also enforce specific SBC legs to use SRTP and/or RTP. The device’s handling of SRTP/RTP is configured using the IP Profile parameter [SBCMediaSecurityBehaviour], which provides the following options:

SBC passes the media as is, regardless of whether it’s RTP or SRTP (default).
SBC legs negotiate only SRTP media lines (m=); RTP media lines are removed from the incoming SDP offer-answer.
SBC legs negotiate only RTP media lines; SRTP media lines are removed from the incoming offer-answer.
Each SDP offer-answer is extended (if not already) to two media lines for RTP and SRTP.

If after SDP offer-answer negotiation, an SBC leg uses RTP while the other uses SRTP, the Device performs RTP-SRTP transcoding. To translate between RTP and SRTP, the following prerequisites must be met:

At least one supported SDP "crypto" attribute.
SRTP must be enabled - [EnableMediaSecurity] parameter configured to [1].

Transcoding where both legs are configured for SRTP is typically required to trans-encrypt and trans-decrypt. This is relevant when the MKI and Symmetric MKI parameters are enabled. In other words, both sides need to both encrypt and decrypt the outgoing and incoming SRTP packets, respectively.

DSP resources are not required for RTP-SRTP transcoding.